Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The 4 Uglies!

Once there was an Uglydoll named Moxy.

She was going to Ugly Academy (her school) when she heard people screaming. Then her friend, Wedgehead, came running up to her.

"Moxy! Moxy! Thank goodness you’re here! Uglyworm is trapped in that burning building!" said Wedgehead.

It was just then that she noticed a burning building right in front of her! "I have to do something! I’m goin’ in!" said Moxy. "What!? Are you crazy!? You’ll die in there!" said Wedgehead. But it was too late. Moxy whistled and her dog, Uglydog, came running toward her.

Then they ran in. They ran up and down stairs looking for Uglyworm. Finally, they came to a burning room with a sound coming from it. Uglyworm was inside! “Help! Help!” he said. “We’ll get you out!” said Moxy. Soon they came back carrying a long, thick log. Wam! Went the log. “You saved me!” said Uglyworm. Then Moxy came out of the burning building which was no longer burning because the firemen put the fire out. Then Moxy and Wedgehead drove Uglyworm home with Uglydog in the back. When they got there Moxy and Wedgehead met Uglyworm’s family. It was a big family.

They had dinner and left. “Bye, Uglyworm and Wedgehead! See you tomorrow!” Then Moxy and Uglydog left and went home. And that’s what I call an ugly ending!

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